
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Cultural Environment

The Cultural Environment

The cultural environment consists of institutions and other forces that affect a society’s basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors.

The Persistence of Cultural Values

Core beliefs and values are passed on from parents to children and are reinforced by schools, churches, business, and government.

Secondary beliefs and values are more open to change.

Shifts in Secondary Cultural Values

Marketers want to predict cultural shifts in order to spot new opportunities or threats.

People’s Views of Themselves. People vary in their emphasis on serving themselves versus serving others.
People’s Views of Others: In past decades, observers have noted several shifts in people’s attitudes toward others. Trend trackers see a new wave of “cocooning.”
People’s Views of Organizations: By and large, people are willing to work for major organizations and expect them to carry out society’s work. Many people today see work as a required chore to earn money to enjoy their nonwork hours.
People’s Views of Society: People vary in their attitudes toward society. This influences their consumption patterns and marketplace attitudes.
People’s Views of Nature: Recently, people have recognized that nature is finite and fragile, and that it can be destroyed by human activities.
This renewed love of things natural has created a 63-million-person “lifestyles of health and sustainability” market.
People’s Views of the Universe: In general, religious conviction and practice have been dropping off gradually through the years.


Many companies think the marketing environment is an uncontrollable element to which they must react and adapt. Other companies take a proactive stance toward the marketing environment. Rather than assuming that strategic options are bounded by the current environment, these firms develop strategies to change the environment. By taking action, companies can often overcome seemingly uncontrollable environmental events.

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